Sunday, 26 January 2014

Artist of the moment at school

Well, it's not actually a lesser well known one this time. But maybe a lesser well known piece of his.

It's Vincent van Gogh's Avenue of Poplars in Autumn.
I chose it for the colours, and the atmosphere that he has created, a peaceful, calm end to the day. But also, and more importantly because the children have become used to seeing one particular style or the most famous of his paintings; I wanted them to see that there is sometimes more to an artist and their style.

A few of the children's' comments:
"It's very quiet"
"The gap above the house looks a lot like smoke"
"It looks amazing" (a standard response despite the prompt cards I have up!)

"Very shadowed and unique"

"It is very nice, he used dull colours in the picture and the shadows are unique"


"I like it!"

"I like the shadow"

"I like the sunset"

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