Tuesday, 28 January 2014

And now for something completely different...

It shouldn't be really. I have written in my strapline at the top of the blog that this is about family and expat life as well as art and friendship. As I've said before, my blog is the epitome of being on a determined and focused pathway, with an awesome to-do list and then....
ooooh, shiiiiiiiiny.......
I rest my case.
So I thought I'd take this last weekend as a starter and get the ball rolling and blurb about family and expat life. Not controversially. Or politically. I ain't planning to be on any deportation plane outa here, thanks. Just events from the sunny side of life with a few hugs and giggles thrown in, I hope.
This weekend, we were in Dubai for the Kids' rugby festival. Another exciting event, such great community and encouraging spirit
(for the most part at least....jeeez, some parents....).
Child Number 2 was scheduled to kick off at 1400 on Friday and was likely to play the next day. Wonderful, a leisurely morning.
However. Child Number 1 kicked off at 1000 and Coach wanted us to be there at 0800. Agh. Hey ho. It is what it is and that's why we're there. We saw some other games of rugby and caught up with the other parents, kicked back ('scuse the pun) and generally enjoyed the cool winter sunshine.
What. A. Day.
At last, Bear's team finally win their division! Something finally well and truly clicked in the team and some fabulous rugby could be watched with those youngsters. My babe was scrum half :-) and one of the other coaches of the others team joked about who he'd like on his team for the next match, and she was one of the two he mentioned. She's found her niche and she had a super day. She kept saying how happy she was!
Pops' team were kicked out on points difference...he was so frustrated as were they all I think. Like MCFL, they played their socks off. But it was soon forgotten and they realised they had a fun day all in all. Especially when they realised the allocated food vouchers covered gobstopper lollipops....
It was a wonderful day all round for the Muscat Pirates and many of the teams got through to finals, or semis at least.
And I met Lewis Moody and Rory Lawson. Rory lives in Dubai now so we're practically neighbours! I spoke with him for about 5-10 minutes so we are pretty much BFFs.
Oh, more importantly these international stars presented the winning Under 10s' development team their trophy.


I often say to friends there is almost too much to do here generating a sense of exhaustion in many parents. But in actual fact I don't think that's the case; it's that the weather allows such events like this to happen with ease and continuity. Everything is therefore accessible. So we feel obliged to do everything and make the most of what we have on offer here. I know we are truly lucky to have tournaments such as this open to us and that our children can experience things like this on a regular basis. I know they can in the UK but it will turn out to be completely different rugby training really...colder climates, frozen fields etc. will lead to a different playing mentality if that child player continues to play rugby at an adult level I wonder.
Anyhoo, it's tournament central in the P&P household. I'm off to Abu Dhabi this weekend with my Gaelic Football team. Then it's Hubby's turn for the rugby! And Bear insisted I blinged up my football boots.

I expect the tashes should be lower but I'm kicking a lot and I don't want to spoil the glitter.
Don't you tell me I'm a dull Mum or I'll set my nerf gun on you.

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