Tuesday, 25 September 2012


 It dawned on me today that I think I am in love with my job.

(I'm awaiting that dip after the honeymoon period though....)
I'm just going through the previous plans for Year 6 and I am starting to really think how I can change it now to create my own plans and put my mark on Art education at the school.
So...year 6 have Aboriginal Art coming up according to last years plans (remember that I was just going to settle in to the job, work with what I had and then experiment) but they did an aspect of that in Year 3. I know and appreciate that I can progress and show a different aspect to this art. But hey, why not take the opportunity to introduce them to the art of another nation?
I have been in my element this afternoon. It's a day off and all I've been doing is researching Maori art, myths, legends and history. I am now in the process of creating three lesson plans and resources from scratch as I really cannot see much on TES or Pinterest (I  KNOW!!) for instance.
Anyway, doing it from scratch means I can create what I need. This will be in a couple of weeks so hopefully it will come together and I'll post them here.

For you, Mad Murphy! LOVE this picture!

1 comment:

  1. What a lucky bunch of kids to have such a motivated art teacher!
