Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Moooore Books!!

So instead of buying the rest of the Scotland Street series I need to read, or any other series recommended by friends, I spent the rest of my Birthday Amazon voucher on Art books! I'm eagerly awaiting the call that they've arrived!

My purchases:
1 2   3 4

With my current obsession with her, this is the one I’m really looking forward to:


Sunday, 24 February 2013

My recent purchase for school…

…well, OK, for me mostly. Mad Murphy prompted me to look at this; I chose the Modern artists, maybe the other book with 50 not so modern artists will be on my wishlist!


The first page I randomly turned to was Kasimir Malevich, an Russian artist I had never heard of. His first picture shown was his Black Square:

Hubby was questioning why artists paint what appears to be something so bland on the surface. I agreed but mentioned that some artists were making waves, creating a new school of art and were the movers and shakers of their time. They could have been protesting against some other movement or aiming to catch the audience’s attention or to start a new trend. And so it appears that Malevich was doing just so.

"The Black Square of Kazimir Malevich is one of the most famous creations of Russian art in the last century. The first Black Square was painted in 1915 to become the turning point in the development of Russian avant-garde. Black Square against white background became the symbol, the basic element in the system of the art of suprematism, the step into the new art."

Taking in the Rye. 1911
Suprematism. 1915
I’ve found a great site for abstract info and inspiration: Abstract Art Framed. It doesn't just cover abstract artists and their work but also inspiration, ideas and tips.

In year 3 we're looking at the abstract artist, Sean Scully. he enjoys working with blocks, lines and colour which is essentially the definition of abstract art. We had a great discussion wondering why his piece 'Catherine' was so called! One boy has taken to the concept of abstract art very quickly and seemed to explain it clearly...he being not so articultae in other areas...something clicked with him!

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

If you have been following my blog or the one before (Muscat Mitchells) then you will remember that I originally worked in another school in the next district. I was a year 2 teacher to fourteen completely and wonderfully different children...12 nationalities in that class. I had one super, calming assistant (I know...spoilt much!) who I will always adore.

Today I paid them a visit as I found some resources that I still had from last year that they might need (oooops!). Any excuse for a visit I suppose, shame I had to hold on to this item and then forget about it!

They are now in a new building and it is so open, fresh and new. I only spent an hour there but I managed to disrupt the lessons of my old colleagues quite nicely! :-) Don't you just hate these inpromptu yet well-meaning visits?!

I saw my old class....I was so excited! I felt such a part of this school, it was small and intimate and I really felt my place straightaway. And to see those friendly smiles today was lovely. I have to remind myself why I left; I know I made the right decision.

Upon the kids' reactions when I walked in I realised that I left over 7 months ago and that is a long time in a 6-7 year old's life. A couple looked at me with a quizzical look and one or two ignored me. Hmmm.

One of the EAL girls did come up to me with the biggest smile and spoke to me in English. She never said a word in English last year so it was nice to hear her speak, it's funny how it changed how I see her. Communication is such an essential part of life, whether it be vocal, gestured or written. But to have a common language makes it a touch easier! The best reaction was from one boy who looked at me for a good few seconds, squinted a bit, pointed his finger and said 'Let me guess...Miss N..?' 

I will arrange a time and hopefully stay a bit longer next time. I ultimately wanted to see my TA, Miss C. She has now qualified and is teaching year 5. So to see her in action was brilliant. She was in the middle of an art lesson, they were sketching portraits. Anyway, a big hug and she introduced me to a few of the new children. I had taught some of the others whilst I was doing some supply work there. So I had a few casual 'Hey Miss N!'

As we hugged each other goodbye we made a plan to be in touch more as their family is leaving at the end of the summer. What hit me is that she said I was like a sister...we talked a lot last year and got to know each other more than colleagues. Another resolution!


Friday, 8 February 2013

A Revelation

Our internet has been down since last Monday. 9 times out of 10 it happens when hubby goes away. Anyway, I could not seem to get it restarted and despite desperately needing it for work and the iPhone trying to help me out, I gave it up and left it.

Doing this made me realise just how much time I spend on the computer, researching and planning. This weekend, internet-less, I sat in the garden the whole afternoon and talked and played with the children. I felt so uplifted again.

So I am going to try to limit myself, like I do the kids, to an hour on the computer a day. That will force me concentrate my planning and make me more efficient!

I’m doing a quick catch-up for the week ahead and then I’m going back into the garden!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

A day off, expat wife style.

I always get two days off in the week at the moment. These tend to be filled with planning, cleaning, and mundane stuff really (although I always make time for my weekly Yoga with Randi). But I always have things to do. I can't remember the last time that I actually had nothing to do.

   So yesterday was Pops' sports day. I did the morning school run for the neighbours and had 20 minutes to spare in the car (Pinterest check? Don't mind if I do). So then an hour watching the cutest kids with the huge egg and spoons, the water relay, sack and running races and general 'I love being a mother' moments.

Long story short, I got talking to a couple of Mums, one I had met once before and the other it turns out lives opposite me and has not long moved in. Anyway, children as a common factor always makes meeting new friends easier and the conversation just flowed.

And it continued to flow over a coffee! I can't remember the last time I had a spontaneous coffee date! We talked about everything I used to talk about with the new friends in our first year or so here and it was brought back some very fond memories of carefree mornings with the Domestic Goddess and The Other Mrs. Mitchell.

I even had time to go window shopping! I had some things in mind but as is always the way, I can never see what I'd like. But it was very nice nonetheless...and has actually resulted in a bit of artistic modification to get what I wanted! (details in another post maybe).

I wasn't on the afternoon pick-up duty either and so I was at home looking ahead to the next few weeks art plans, blogging and personal admin.  And tonight, as hubby's away I can go to my Gaelic Football training session!

But ultimately what I realised more today is how calm and uplifted I was with my own children when they came home. Bear told me she thinks I'm too busy and am always rushing around. If I'm not having time for them then some things just aren't worth it. Chores can wait!

So, to new friends and old here in Oman, thank you for crossing my path and making days like these so enjoyable.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Well...I wasn't expecting THAT!

In the immortal words of Rowley Birkin QC (and my dear friend from my Navy Reserve days who did a great impression of the former...), SNAKE!

Let me explain....

On my way back to one of the year 4 classrooms I found a snake making its way into the main building of the school.

It slipped under the door and then obviously found it too cool and turned back around and back down the steps. I stayed with it and managed to get the headmistress' attention. The pest control people were called and we waited and kept guard over the snake. With a squidgey mop.

It was You've Been Framed gold, I tell you. It kept jumping up and nipping the mop, such actions were immediately followed with the headmistress yelping and sweeping the snake to the wall. Poor thing. (Snake, that is!).

And then she asked me to hold the mop...


She went to chase up pest control so I maintained the necessary sweeping, cornering, lassoing, wrestling etc, as you would see on these Nat Geo programmes. Maybe not.

The pest control team (the Boss and his little man with his churn of what he calls 'medicine') arrive eventually. The Boss man says immediately that he will kill it. At this point he raises the deathly squidgey mop glinting in the midday sun, above his head like a medieval executioner...I have to turn around, I just can't watch...except I turn around to the glass door to see Year 4, faces up against the glass...watching the serpentine murder unfold...or splatter...whichever...

So it wasn't quite cutesy Animal Rescue with Rolf Harris. Far from it. We had to assume it was poisonous being on a school and a housing complex so I wonder if this was the only action that could have been taken; just throwing it over the fence to meet its fate on the roads of Oman might have been more humane. And that's saying something.

Wonder what they get climbing up the steps of St. Philip's in Uckfield...?

Monday, 4 February 2013

I hate Mondays

It could be worse, admittedly. Although it is the middle of the week for us. And I'm only part-time. But still...


Sunday, 3 February 2013

Hey! Where ya' been?!

Just kidding.

Long time no see etc. It’s been a manic few months and although I have articulated several blog posts in my head (wow, they were awesome!! You should have seen them!) they never came to fruition. Frustrated and discontent are a couple of adjectives that spring to mind as a result. Which is silly really. As life has been rather good on the face of things (health and family concerns aside) despite being headless chicken territory. Why do I keep failing at my desire to blog regularly? I always say it is cathartic and liberating so then why am I not finding the time to see it through…?

So…it’s a new year’s resolution (OK, OK, Chinese New Year’s Resolution…detail schmetail) to blog a little more often or at least try to get some mode of frequency in there.

So hello again, dear reader(s) and welcome to a fresh mind and eyes on 2013…this time round, not just Art lessons but as it says on the tin, more of the family, friendship, art and expat life. Might try and get a few guests aboard too…

And just for the fun of it…(and to show my Pinterest addiction is still rampant):

I'm still  giggling when I think of this. 'Cos it's true! Link from Lolsnaps via Pinterest.
For my cat-indifferent friends: